The-comprehensive-list-of-the-Standard-Services.html The comprehensive list of the Standard Services of easyhome

Management Services List

The Comprehensive list of Standard Services we offer for your Complex are: 
1. To fully comply with all council regulations on behalf of The Complex, to notify / advise owners of all government or regulatory notices
2. To provide proper accounts at the end of the contract. These accounts together with all receipts will be made available for inspection to the Committee members as elected by the owners.
3. To collect The Management fee on behalf of the Complex, enforce the collection Notices for non-payers  with the power invested in us by the Committee in conjuction with the Turkish Law.
4. To control the expenditure of the Management fees on behalf of The Complex. We are fully accountable on any expense made, endeavour to save money without compromising on quality, and we promise to be transparent on all purchases.
5. To employ, supervise, and organise the salary and regulatory obligations (ie. National Insurance Contributions, Employment tax etc.) of all staff employed by The Complex.
6. To pay regular visits (typically once a week) to The Complex unless called in for an emergency request earlier, a representative from Alanya EasyHome (apart from the full-time Caretaker supervision reports 7 days a week) will file a report on the general order of The Complex, take actions according to the findings on the Report. The Committee will also receive the summary of the Reports and suggestions with an estimated budget and time scale quarterly. We will also make sure the smooth running of the day to day operations of The Complex.
7. To supervise all contracted services such as swimming pool maintenance, renovations, landscaping, pest control and others will follow The Complex established rules and regulations while carrying out their respective services. 
8. To supervise the provision of (typically carried out by the Caretakers) daily swimming pool cleaning, application of chemicals and maintenance of all pool related pumps including tidiness and maintenance of pool surround areas. 
9. To supervise the maintenance of all grounds, landscaped gardens and footpaths within The Complex. All existing landscaped plantation and lawn will also be kept in a healty condition.
10. To maintain the pest control practices as required for all common areas.
11. To ensure The Complex'; telecommunication facilities are maintained, to appoint a trusted contractor for regular maintenance and ad hoc repair work, to ensure the telephone, satallite TV and supporting equipment is kept in good working order. Any common area equipment that is found to be defective will be repaired or replaced in the fastest possible time frame.
12. To monitor and manage the technical services provided within The Complex, maintain all mechanical systems such as lifts, water pumps, common area lighting, electrical transformers, breakers, meters and supporting electrical equipment.
13. To carry out regular inspections and testing of all fire control equipment to ensure all permanent equipment and portable equipment is in perfect working order at all times.
14. To carry out regular inspections and maintenance of any independent water supply, pumping mechanisms valves, meters and waste water treatment and disposal services.
15. To monitor the regular collection of refuse by the council from the appointed area in each appartment block.  All refuse must be properly bagged and tied before placing in this area.
16. To arrange quotations from suppliers for repairs and renovations to The Complex. To inform the Committee (if applicable) of the costs. Once instructed, to project manage the works to a high standard and according to the agreement. 
17. To make sure that The Complex is fully covered by the insurance and the premiums kept up to date. 
+90 (242) 528 73 10
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